Week of April 25th

The children had a busy week with lots of learning opportunities. In honour of Earth Week, we had a number of school wide activities as well as lots of classroom Earth based activities.

On Monday, the school had an outdoor picnic for nutrition break.  Later in the week, there was a yard cleanup, a special recycling event, and a book exchange. In class, the children read and wrote about ways to protect our planet and what they love about our planet. They also participated in making a video for Earth Day.

We did not have library last week due to the book fair. I have returned the books to the library that were brought in on Thursday, and we will resume library visits this week.

In Language for the next two weeks, our main focus will be on reviewing 35 of the most common vowel or consonant combinations in French as well as about 225 of the most commonly used French words at the primary reading level. We will also be working on small group reading studies. Continued reading at home really makes a difference, as it allows the children to practise and consolidate the reading strategies we have worked on in class. You are welcome to swap out reading books with me as often as you wish. The public library and online resources are also wonderful ways to increase your child’s exposure to French reading. Once again, our Board’s grade one target is a level 9 or 10 by June. Your child should have a very good idea of his or her reading level. If not, please feel free to contact me. At this point in April, a child who is reading at a level 7 or above is en route to achieving a level 9 or above in June.

We are almost finished our unit on measurement, and will be starting a new unit on numeration (number sense) this week.

Thinking ahead, I have planned a walking trip to Sobey’s the afternoon of Thursday, May 19th. Volunteers are welcome, so you may want to mark this on your calendar if you are interested now. More details will be sent home next week. This trip is always a hit with the children, and an excellent way to finish our studies on our community- the places and people.

For the next two weeks, we will be taking a close look at Drama themes, as our school presents a spring musical called We are Monsters. The children will get an up close look at the different elements of drama and I know they will enjoy the play!  We Are Monsters logo







Here’s a song for spring:

Have  a great week everyone!

Week of April 18th

Spring is in the air!  We are finally at the moment we can pack away winter gear and embrace sunshine!

This week, I have planned some integrated science and language arts activities based on Earth Day.  We will be reading and acting out two books by Melanie Walsh, and another by Todd Parr.  The children will be making public announcement ads on the subject of energy conservation by either a poster, a skit, or a commercial.  We will be working on a class video for Earth Day as well.

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Children are invited to participate in a school wide book exchange. Details are as follows:

Bring in one, two, or three books that you are finished reading.  On Thursday, you may visit the book exchange location and choose one, two, or three “new to you” books.

We will be finishing our math unit on measurement this week.  In language, we are working on the sound “s” between vowels, and “ss”.  We will finish up the formal introduction of French reading sounds by the end of April, and I spend May and June reviewing the sounds and reviewing high frequency sight words.  I will be completing my individual reading assessments with the children this week.  As always, feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Have a great week everyone!


Spring Book fair information:

South March Spring Book Fair!

The library will be hosting a Scholastic Book Fair on Thursday April 21st and Friday April 22nd!


Students will view the books with their classes on Thursday April 21st and will return to the Book Fair with their classes on Friday April 22nd to make any purchases they wish.

South March parents and families are invited to shop at the book fair after school on Friday, April 22nd (3:45pm-6:00pm).

Payment Options:

We accept cash or cheques made out to South March PS. We also accept MasterCard or Visa.


Popular titles often sell out quickly – in most cases we are able to order your child an additional copy which will be delivered to their classroom in approximately two weeks.

All proceeds from the book fair will be used to purchase new books for the South March Library. Thanks so very much for your continued support of SMPS book fairs.



Week of April 11th

Reminders:  Friday is a PD day, there is no school for the children.  Kindly remember to send in homework  bags on Thursday.  I have a limited number of reading books to send home, and I like to ensure all books are returned on a regular basis.  Of course, I understand if you forget from time to time.  Kindly just send in the book as soon as possible (and remind your child to give it to me).  Sometimes children adamantly insist the bag is not in their backpack, when in fact it is.  I’m continually working to build and encourage independence with the children.

Library books are also due on Thursday.

This week we are working on the sound blend “ch” at the beginning, middle, and end of a word. The children also review high frequency sight words on a daily basis.  During small group reading work, the children usually start a book group study (at their reading levels) on Monday, complete short reading activities, and present their book in the form of a play or readers’ theatre on Friday.  The children have an opportunity to make props for  their play and decide how they wish to present their reading.  I will also be completing individualized reading assessments during the next two weeks.  I believe I’ve written about this and mentioned it in posts and emails that our Board’s goal for grade one is that each child is at a level 9 or above by the end of June.  This (level 9) would represent a B and provincial standard.  Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about your child’s progress.

The children have been enjoying our math measurement activities and we will continue with these activities this week.  We have learned five and ten centimeter anchors, and are working on developing a one meter anchor point (or understanding).  In Social Studies, we will continue learning about one community job each day.  I also plan to complete our neighbourhood map (notre quartier).

Have a great week!




Week of April 4th

Looks like the weather might be a little cooler this week.  Let’s hope for some warmer temps soon!  Thank you to those of you have already supported the rafiki bracelet sales.  I sent home an email last week with the order form attached in case you are interested in this optional initiative.  I also sent home an email about the Minion movie viewing this week.  Information on these events should also be available at the School’s website.

In language this week, we are studying the sound “gn” and we will also continue to review and learn the most common French sight words found in literature in the primary cards.  The children keep their sight words in special pouches and we review them on a regular basis and practise reading strategies to help decode the words and then bring them back into the context of the texts we are reading. The children are also writing more and more entries in their memory journals.  This week our reading focus will be on daily reading of books which describe different community helper jobs. The children will complete short research assignments on a variety of jobs.  They will also continue with small group reading texts and assignments.

As another part of our integrated socials studies, language and math unit, the children will be completing a large size map of our neighborhood (see previous post).  We will be using google maps to measure the distance from our school to different community land marks (e.g., Sobey’s, the park, etc.).  Our new math unit is on measurement.  I will be introducing the concept of non standard measurement and then moving towards an understanding of some benchmark measurements (e.g., 10 centimeters and 1 meter).

Have a great week everyone!


Poisson d’avril et notre carte

Here is a picture of the fish we made to celebrate the first of April.  The idea is to decorate a fish and place on a friend’s back.  File_000 (3)

I’ve included a photo of the map we are working on of our neighbourhood.  I’m really pleased with how the children are learning how to read a map.

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