Week of April 25th

The children had a busy week with lots of learning opportunities. In honour of Earth Week, we had a number of school wide activities as well as lots of classroom Earth based activities.

On Monday, the school had an outdoor picnic for nutrition break.  Later in the week, there was a yard cleanup, a special recycling event, and a book exchange. In class, the children read and wrote about ways to protect our planet and what they love about our planet. They also participated in making a video for Earth Day.

We did not have library last week due to the book fair. I have returned the books to the library that were brought in on Thursday, and we will resume library visits this week.

In Language for the next two weeks, our main focus will be on reviewing 35 of the most common vowel or consonant combinations in French as well as about 225 of the most commonly used French words at the primary reading level. We will also be working on small group reading studies. Continued reading at home really makes a difference, as it allows the children to practise and consolidate the reading strategies we have worked on in class. You are welcome to swap out reading books with me as often as you wish. The public library and online resources are also wonderful ways to increase your child’s exposure to French reading. Once again, our Board’s grade one target is a level 9 or 10 by June. Your child should have a very good idea of his or her reading level. If not, please feel free to contact me. At this point in April, a child who is reading at a level 7 or above is en route to achieving a level 9 or above in June.

We are almost finished our unit on measurement, and will be starting a new unit on numeration (number sense) this week.

Thinking ahead, I have planned a walking trip to Sobey’s the afternoon of Thursday, May 19th. Volunteers are welcome, so you may want to mark this on your calendar if you are interested now. More details will be sent home next week. This trip is always a hit with the children, and an excellent way to finish our studies on our community- the places and people.

For the next two weeks, we will be taking a close look at Drama themes, as our school presents a spring musical called We are Monsters. The children will get an up close look at the different elements of drama and I know they will enjoy the play!  We Are Monsters logo







Here’s a song for spring:

Have  a great week everyone!

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