French Numbers 1-31 Review

The following link reviewing numbers to 31 should be a review for both grade ones and twos. At the beginning of the year, grade ones should be able to count to 31 and easily identify numbers from 1 to 10 in random order in French in both words and digits. Grade twos should be able to count to beyond 50 and should be able to identify many numbers in random order both in digit form and written form. These are skills they work on in English with Mrs. Roberts, and I support in French.

Sight words video link- mots usuels

The following links provide visual and audio support for learning French sight words. In addition to phonemic awareness, I also stress the importance of building a bank of sight words. Sight words are words that can be easily and instantly recalled and as a result free up cognitive ability to tackle more difficult words. Repetition is a key part of success. The following videos are typically considered grade one words to be worked on throughout the year, however I review them with grades twos at the beginning of the year.

More read aloud links

Here are a few more websites with French read aloud books. Hope you enjoy them!

Singing along to French songs that have the words displayed is a great way to work on reading development, as the children are often motivated to listen to a song many times. Repeated reading is a key strategy to help build strong reading skills.