Poisson d’avril et notre carte

Here is a picture of the fish we made to celebrate the first of April.  The idea is to decorate a fish and place on a friend’s back.  File_000 (3)

I’ve included a photo of the map we are working on of our neighbourhood.  I’m really pleased with how the children are learning how to read a map.

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Week of March 29

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend together.  Here are the details for this week:

Language: We will continue with our word study work and are focusing on a review of the vowel sounds we have learned to date, as well as reviewing and mastering the most common grade one sight words.  Building instant recognition of sight words is an important reading skill and one we work to master in grade one as this goal helps build fluency and comprehension.  We will continue with our group book studies.  The children spend time in small groups working on books at their reading levels, and we usually present the books as a read aloud at the end of the week.

Social Studies: We will be leaving our study of Energy (but will revisit it closer to Earth Day), and will be focusing on learning about our community.  I start this unit by working together to create a big map of our neighborhood.  Please take a moment to review your address with your child.  Building a map together integrates very well with many of the math concepts we will be studying this month.

I plan to finish up our math unit on number patterns this week.

Drama: I try to integrate drama into many of our activities through either video making, short presentations, readers’ theatre presentations, skits, and more.  The children have really enjoyed the short readers’ theatre presentations we have done recently, and I have sent home a few of the scripts.

Here are some photos of a bunny stencil sponge painting and mixed media project.

Have a great week everyone.  Looks like the week ahead holds rain and some warmer temperatures (which means mud and puddles).  Please dress accordingly.

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La galerie d’art- Art Gallery photos!

Here are some photos of art work.  Some of it gets sent home, some of it gets put into their memory journals, and when I remember, I take photos and post them here. I’ll be sending these projects home soon. They were part of our science research on the sun.  The print was made by using a recycled marker holder and margarine container lid with a pipe cleaner attached.

Le Soleil- print making

Le Soleil- print making


Posted in Art

Fall artwork

I love exploring art concepts with the children and watching their creativity and self expression grow.  Whenever possible, I try to tie our art theme into a science, math, or language theme.  I often include their art in their personal journals (more details to follow about this as these are journals we work on once a week and then take home in June after sharing with parents- a yearlong portfolio of photos, writing, and artwork).  Here are a few photos of recent art.



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Posted in Art

Bonhomme de neige!

IMG_00001053These cute fellows were made from shaving cream, white glue, and glitter.  They are wearing felt scarves and hats.  Makes me want to build my own snowman! Have a super weekend everyone!


Posted in Art

Les Citrouilles!

DSCN0515Here’s a picture of our first sprouting pumpkin seed.  We each placed two seeds in a bag with a wet paper towel and pinned the bags on a bulletin board.  Look carefully for the sprout (la pousse).









We also made some funny looking pumpkin faces with finger paint and cutting shapes.  Tomorrow we will write about the steps involved in our art work.
