Week of June 15th

Here we go…last nine days of school!

Dates to note:

Wednesday, June 17- class potluck lunch.  Please sign up to indicate if you will be participating.  I will send out a reminder email with the link.  Students have planned the event and chose to have the following in the program:

2 favourite songs and dance

a year long slide show

a fun photo booth for parents and children

sharing of the memory journals

(other TBA)


I hope you are able to join us.

Note that I would like permission forms for the splash park trip returned as soon as you are able. Thanks!

This week the children will be preparing for their celebration with you, working on our math unit on measurement, reflecting and writing in their memory journals, finishing up plays and our community discussions, and lots more.

As always, feel free to contact me if you wish to discuss your child’s progress or any questions or concerns.

Have a great week everyone.


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