Week of December 15

Last school week of 2014!  Here are some of the highlights for the week:

We will finish up our book study on Les Cadeaux and our short science play on Grisou. The children will have the opportunity to present and use iMovie to video tape their skits and show them to each other…always a fun activity.  Our word work will focus on the sound “ez” as found at the end of verbes such as regardez, marchez, sautez, etc.

In math, we will finish up our unit on understanding numbers and addition and subtraction to 20.  A main focus has been on reading and understanding more difficult two or three step problems.  We will continue to revisit this concept through the  year as the children build strategies and skills to understand and cope with more challenging math problems beyond basic addition and subtraction facts (although of course I do stress the importance of practising and understanding basic computation and skip counting, etc.)

We have the drums for another week and I know the children have enjoyed working through our drumming lessons.  Great rhythm everyone!Unknown-1

There is no library this week.  Thanks everyone for returning the library books!

We will have two short assemblies this week, one of which will give the children an opportunity to say good bye to our Vice-Principal and wish her well as she moves to a new school in January.



Friday is dress like a penguin day (optional of course).  Children can dress like a penguin (how about wearing a black top and bottoms and adding a red bow tie…or just wearing black and white?).  I will give the children time to make a penguin headband in class to wear.  We will also have a potluck snack for second nutrition break.  I sent out an email about this and thank parents who signed up to send in items.  I’ll send home a reminder on Wednesday in note totes.  If you didn’t get a chance to sign up, no worries.  There will be another celebration (likely in February) and then again in June so you can sign up then if you wish.  The children really enjoy the time to socialize and visit, and appreciate your generosity.  Please contact me if you have allergy or food sensitivity concerns.

Lastly, here’s a link from the principal re the lost and found box- check out the picture and perhaps you will recognize something!  Lost and Found Items


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