Greetings and Reminders:
Tuesday is Halloween. Students may wear or bring their costumes to school. (Please don’t send candy treats, or masks, or props that may get lost). We will have a social time in the afternoon together.
Wednesday is library book and homework bag return day. Thursday is the school council evening family dance event.
This week’s learning goals:
On Tuesday, I am planning some special pumpkin, health, science and art activities. It will be a fun day with lots of hands on learning.
One of our read aloud books is about Frisson. This is a great book to start a discussion about personal safety as it relates to Halloween. We will be making a Frisson safety poster and role playing safe choices. We will also be reading the book “Citrouille, ma Citrouille”. This is a great book for learning to sequence events.
During our working with words focus each day, we are now learning about more difficult vowel combination or vowel + vowel combinations such as “oi” and “ai”. I call the vowels the “super heroes” of the alphabet. I’m attaching some review sheets here: sonsetmots-2mrr2r9 in case you want to have a peek at what I mean. These sheets are also great if you want a little extra reading practice. Every Monday, we complete a class journal based on a weekly grammar structure, e.g., J’aime…., or Je vais…or Mon costume est….. At this point in the year, I model the writing and print off a copy for each child of the class writing. The children keep their weekly journal entries in a folder and practise reading them during the week. These journal entries will become a reference point as the children become more independent writers. In reading, we usually complete three or more booklets together per week during the first three months of school. These booklets are read on a regular basis and relate to the themes we are studying in class.
In Health and Science, we are also spending time this week taking a close look at healthy foods and our digestive system. We will focus on fruits and vegetables.
There’s lots more going on too! Have a great week everyone.