French Numbers 1-31 Review

The following link reviewing numbers to 31 should be a review for both grade ones and twos. At the beginning of the year, grade ones should be able to count to 31 and easily identify numbers from 1 to 10 in random order in French in both words and digits. Grade twos should be able to count to beyond 50 and should be able to identify many numbers in random order both in digit form and written form. These are skills they work on in English with Mrs. Roberts, and I support in French.

Sight words video link- mots usuels

The following links provide visual and audio support for learning French sight words. In addition to phonemic awareness, I also stress the importance of building a bank of sight words. Sight words are words that can be easily and instantly recalled and as a result free up cognitive ability to tackle more difficult words. Repetition is a key part of success. The following videos are typically considered grade one words to be worked on throughout the year, however I review them with grades twos at the beginning of the year.

More read aloud links

Here are a few more websites with French read aloud books. Hope you enjoy them!

Singing along to French songs that have the words displayed is a great way to work on reading development, as the children are often motivated to listen to a song many times. Repeated reading is a key strategy to help build strong reading skills.



Welcome Back!

Thanks for stopping by! I hope that you find this blog a useful resource to keep up-to-date with what is happening in our class and a place where you can find information and resources about what and how your children are learning. In addition to sending out two weekly emails that outline our learning goals and reminders for the week, I will use the blog to post videos of songs, short science videos, links to interesting websites, ideas for working at home, and lots more. I’ve been keeping this blog since 2013, so there is a lot of material in the archives you may find of interest.

Here’s a super blog link for a French teacher in Toronto. Her video organization is excellent and well worth a look.

Reminder: Meet The Teacher, Thursday, September 27, 4:30-6:30

Week of November 6th

Greetings  and Happy November!

Reminders: Please return library books and homework folders every Wednesday. If you forget, no problem but please return as soon as possible.

In French this week we continue to build our recognition of more complex phonological sounds. We have now reviewed the simple vowel plus consonant sounds and the more complex sounds of “es”, “oi”, “au”, and “ui”. We spend time every day reviewing these sounds and connecting them to texts. This week, we will be working on the sounds “ou” and “ai”. The children will also be completing their daily booklet reading and practice.

In Science and Health, we will be taking a closer look at the five senses- taste (le goût). This co-ordinates well with our discussion of healthy food choices and the digestive system. In Physical Education I am very pleased with how the children have improved their stopping, starting, target throwing, and catching. Way to go!

In Social Studies, we will be taking an age appropriate look at the meaning of Remembrance Day (le jour du souvenir).

We had lots of fun carving pumpkins and completing our Hallowe’en activities. Thanks Marlo and Judit for your help.




Week of October 30th

Greetings and Reminders:

Tuesday is Halloween. Students may wear or bring their costumes to school. (Please don’t send candy treats, or masks, or props that may get lost). We will have a social time in the afternoon together.

Wednesday is library book and homework bag return day. Thursday is the school council evening family dance event.

This week’s learning goals:

On Tuesday, I am planning some special pumpkin, health, science and art activities. It will be a fun day with lots of hands on learning.

One of our read aloud books is about Frisson. This is a great book to start a discussion about personal safety as it relates to Halloween. We will be making a Frisson safety poster and role playing safe choices. We will also be reading the book “Citrouille, ma Citrouille”. This is a great book for learning to sequence events.

During our working with words focus each day, we are now learning about more difficult vowel combination or vowel + vowel combinations such as “oi” and “ai”. I call the vowels the “super heroes” of the alphabet. I’m attaching some review sheets here: sonsetmots-2mrr2r9 in case you want to have a peek at what I mean. These sheets are also great if you want a little extra reading practice. Every Monday, we complete a class journal based on a weekly grammar structure, e.g., J’aime…., or Je vais…or Mon costume est….. At this point in the year, I model the writing and print off a copy for each child of the class writing. The children keep their weekly journal entries in a folder and practise reading them during the week. These journal entries will become a reference point as the children become more independent writers. In reading, we usually complete three or more booklets together per week during the first three months of school. These booklets are read on a regular basis and relate to the themes we are studying in class.

In Health and Science, we are also spending time this week taking a close look at healthy foods and our digestive system. We will  focus on fruits and vegetables.

There’s lots more going on too! Have a great week everyone.
